Meh. Defiantly no Yankee Stadium, but it helds it ground. next it Citi Field was under construction. When the new Yankee Stadium and Citi Field opened up, it was the first time in history, Two ballparks opened in the same year and the same city, just a week apart. Both new ballparks opened next door to their old homes. Shea Stadium was just another park, with huge scoreboard in center. The stadium looked like a cookie cutter but was not built complete all the way round. not for from the park was LaGuardia international Airport.
I liked Shea better than the old Yankee Stadium. Of course, I was only in Shea once, and Yankee twice (I think?). But my opinion is entirely based on how nice the workers were to be--because they were very nice at Shea stadium. Plus an older guy on the subway liked my Doug Mientkiewicz jersey and gave me a free ticket behind home plate. Sweet.